Thursday 28 July 2016

Designing a Business Logo for a Kenyan Business Venture Enterprise

Designing Classy Handbags Business Logo

If you ply your trade in Kenya as a professional photo editor while carrying out tasks in the categories of image editing, photo retouching, photo enhancement, photo restoration, photo quality improvement, selfie airbrushing, selfie editing, photoshop and photo quality improvements, you will probably have come across a request where someone needs an out of this world logo for their business. Something like, I am looking for a logo that will work on a website, on stationary, business cards as well as on photos. I want something different yet unique and a little antique looking if possible.

Well this is one of them!

The client wanted a logo for their handbags venture called Classy Handbags! I had previously developed a logo for Jomutech and I thought I could replicate the same ideas for Classy Handbags.

This is how I went about it. First, the name Classy Handbags has a C and an H. Secondly, I needed to have a picture of a handbag, decide on colors and then fuse all my imaginations into one final finished logo after all the picture photo editing.

Reminder: You can send me your pictures, family pictures, selfies for photo editing on my e-mail or visit this website here and view the photos in the slide shows where I personally photo enhanced all the images and pictures for that website.

Let’s continue now.

I got a couple of different font sized Red colored Cs and a Black H. Thereafter, I then identified a Red handbag picture which I would use as part of the logo.

Here is a collection of the Red colored C fonts I collected ( represent C in Classic Handbags).

Here is the Black colored H font I chose to use for the logo design ( represent H in Classic Handbags)

Here is the Red handbag (…it is indeed classic right?)

These are the finished variants of the finished logos from which the client could choose which photo to adopt for their business. As of this time, they are yet to decide which is the best!  J J

Do not forget to check out the last section at the bottom. ‘Eye Candy!’

Eye Candy!
Things you may have missed.

  • Did you notice that the Red handbag hangs on the H letter?
  • Did you observe that the Red handbag’s long strap hugs the letter H at the bottom on the left?
  • See how the Red font C intersects with the Black font H?

That’s how I designed, developed and came up with Classy Handbags Logo.

Keep visiting this blog for new stuff and let me photo enhance those selfies, family photos, baby’s birthday photos, outing photos and any other photos for you. Send me an e-mail with the photos and we will pick it up from there.